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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Barney and Friends Song : I Love You


This tips for writing a great academic essay

Tip # 1

To many students’ essay writing is a chore. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve heard students’ say “I’m not bothered about my coursework, it’s only worth 25% (or whatever it happens to be) of the final mark-as long as I pass (i.e. get 40%) I’m happy”

This approach is problematic as the student is from risk throwing away marks. Marks that could easily raise their overall grade above the next classification bar, marks which will impact on their ultimate grade.

Monday, August 27, 2012

How to Optimizing Your English Writing

How to optimizing your English writing. English is the dominant Internet and business language so making cash online (or offline) often involves English writing. More importantly perhaps, is the fact that everyday, but life-changing documents, resumes job applications, essays, term papers, business plans, loan and rental applications, and sales letters, are often written in English.

How often has your next career or business initiative relied on the English writing in a document?
How often has the reader chosen someone else's document instead of yours?
How often have subtle messages in the writing, often sub-conscious, swung a life-changing decision against you? Often, you will not be told the real reason.