A. Background of the Problems
Writing is one of the skills in
learning English. It is one of the important subjects that students should be
learned. They are not only able to read the English books or speak English
well, but also be able to write, the students can express an ideas or feeling
in writing form, the students should be able to produce sentences and develop
it into paragraph. The students should be pay attention to the dictions are
used and should be able to arrange his or her ideas or feeling in a good
arrangement. the others point the students should pay attention to the rhetorical
structure of the text in writing.
Study about writing is one of
important basic to learn English because in writing skill the teachers can know about their student’s skill. There are also many
kinds of books write in English in which
those are spread in different countries. Through
writing, the teacher can analyze their ideas in written form. The teacher also
able to analyze the student’s ability in grammar through writing activities.
Today, general asumtion of the
student and teacher about writing is talk about pen and paper. Eventhough,
writing is not about writing with pen on paper, but about how some one to
express his idea sistematically. Paper and pen
is one of media to express it.
on writer’s observation at senior high school, the writer found some problems
especially about student’s writing skill. The students are lazy to express
their ideas or feeling. They do not know the distinguishing among the texts because
they are lack of writing practice in daily
activities. They are less motivation because the teacher do not use interest
media and technique in teaching process.
The writer found in senior high
school have internet access, Wifi and
computer labor. So, this equipment can be used by English teacher as
media to teach English especially writing. The XI grade students of Senior High school have learn about make a blog in
Technology Information subject. English teacher can ask the student to make
written in recount text on the their blog.
the writer has a website for learning English, that is Writer
found that many searched from visitor is about ‘example of recount text’. This
is mean that recount text still difficult thing for student to write. Internet can be a solution for
student in searching a good examples of
recount text.
Based on the curriculum of KTSP, the
teaching writing is done through twelve genres. They are spoof, recount,
report, analytical exposition, news item, anecdote, narrative, procedure,
descriptive, hortatory exposition, explanation and discussion. All of the genres should be understood by the students. It is also hoped
that the students are able to write the genres as their activities every day.
Based on writer’s experience,
recount text assumed as a new text in Senior High School. It is difficult for
students in writing. Writing recount text is un familiar for student also it is
not similar writing the others text, they have different generic structure and
language feature among them. Student do not have background knowledge about
recount text. It make them confuse to finish recount text. Students still find
difficulties to use the correct grammar and tense. Teacher also find
difficulties to finding the media in technique to teach recount text. How to
teach this subject that can not makes students are not boring and interesting
to learn.
Based on the problem above, the
teacher should be able to find new media or meaningful activities that can
support in teaching process. To make students are not boring and interesting in
writing, one alternative that could be used to overcome this problem is using
picture sequence. The writer interested to using personal online diary by
wordpress in writing recount text because it is always interesting for the students. By using personal online diary teaching recount text
becomes more enjoyable and can improve student’s ability in writing.
B. Identification of the Problems
Based on the background of the
problem above, the problem can be identified as follow: first, the students
still have low motivation to learn English. Second, the media used by the
teacher are uninteresting for students and it makes the students are boring in
learning process. Third, the student have difficulty to distinguish among of
genres, because they are lazy to practice every time.
Many media can used by teacher in
teaching writing especially recount text like pictures sequence, photographs,
daily activities and online diary or blog. Through blog teaching learning will
be easy than before. As a teacher we need this media, because through media the
process of teaching learning more active and the student will be creative.
C. Limitation of the Problems
There are many problems that have
been identified. It is impossible for the writer to discuss on the whole
problems. So in this paper the writer just focuses on using personal online
diary by wordpress in teaching writing in recount text. The writer hopes that personal
online diary will be a good dan interesting media in teaching writing
especially recount text.
D. Formulation of the Problems
Based on the limitation of the
problem above, the problem can be formulated as follow: How to use personal
online diary by wordpress to teach writing recount text for Senior High School?
E. Purpose of the Problems
The purpose of the writing this
paper is to teach writing and to contribution for the teacher especially
English teacher in teaching writing recount text. They can use personal online
diary as media to teach writing in recount text for Senior High School. So
that, the students will enjoy in learning writing, especially recount text. Beside that, this paper is also purposed to fulfill one requirements to
finish strata one (S.1) of English Department, Faculty Teacher Training and
Pedagogy of Mahaputra Muhammad Yamin University.
Definition of the Key Terms
a. Writing is
one of the skill in language that sound be learned by the Senior High School
students to express their idea, feeling, through into written form.
Recount text is a
text that telling the reader about one story, action or activity. Its goal is
to entertaining or informing the reader, activity or
story in the past tense.
c. Personal
online diary or famous with blog is one of media that can be use in teaching
writing in recount text for Senior High School
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